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QMSO conducts ISO 9001:2015 re-orientation session

  •   March 07, 2024
  •  | 
  •   The Visayanian Publication
QMSO conducts ISO 9001:2015 re-orientation session

In a concerted effort to strengthen its commitment to quality education and organizational efficiency, the University of the Visayas is currently hosting a vital ISO 9001:2015 and DDC Functions Re-orientation at the Doña Andrea Multimedia Center, located on the 5th floor of the Inday Pining Building, Colon Campus. The event, taking place from 8 am to 5 pm today, has drawn the active participation of senior leaders and other designated personnel.

Initiated by the university's Quality Management System Office (QMSO) in collaboration with CQL Business Consultancy Services, this significant re-orientation aims to reinforce ISO 9001:2015 standards. The esteemed resource speaker for the day is Engr. Dexter Chua, a renowned expert in quality management.

Senior leaders and designated personnel are engaged in comprehensive sessions, delving into the intricacies of ISO 9001:2015 and DDC Functions. This event underscores the university's proactive approach to maintaining and improving quality standards, ensuring that its leadership remains well-versed in the latest industry practices.

The Quality Management System Office (QMSO) expresses gratitude for the collaboration with CQL Business Consultancy Services, recognizing the importance of such partnerships in driving continual improvement within the institution.

As the University of the Visayas strives to uphold excellence, this ISO 9001:2015 Re-orientation event is a pivotal step towards fostering a culture of quality and innovation. Stay tuned for updates as the university continues to prioritize and elevate its standards in education and administration.