About UV

💚 Be a Visayanian!

Your lifelong partner in shaping your future.

Founded in 1919, the University of the Visayas is an educational institution located in Cebu City, Philippines, and was the first school in the province of Cebu to attain university status.

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Philosophy &

AMOR •   SERVITIUM •   HUMANITAS(Love & Service to Humanity)


The University of the Visayas envisions to be an internationally recognized private non-sectarian university committed to academic excellence, transformational and innovative education.


Build and embrace a sustainable research culture among students, faculty and non-teaching staff in support of its academic programs and community extension thrusts.

Develop the talents and potentials of the students towards the practice of professions to be responsive to the changing local and global industry requirements.

Capacitate a community guided by the university extension program and be a catalyst for social transformation.

Develop a community of God-centered, nationalistic, and globally competitive professionals with proactive values and attitudes.

Core Values

Leadership  •   Empathy  •   Achievement  •   Discipline

Service  •   Environmentalism  •   Respect  •   Virtuousness   •   Excellence

Quality Policies &


The University of the Visayas is committed to provide quality services that meet or exceed the requirements and needs of our stakeholders through a dynamic and quality management system imbued with values an professionalism.


  • Deployment and dissemination of Vision Statement, Mission Statements, Core Values and Quality Management System in all units.

  • Improve quality educational services continuously through a responsive feedback mechanism to enhance customer satisfaction.

  • Participation of faculty and non-teaching personnel in the university-wide learning and development programs.

  • Sustain the organizational efficiency and effectiveness to ensure viability.

  • Comply with all applicable stakeholders' needs and requirements.

 Download VMCM (pdf)

UV History

Uncover UV's impactful history, marked by milestones and unwavering dedication to shaping futures.

Year Founded

The University of the Visayas was founded by the late Don Vicente A. Gullas in 1919 as the Visayan Institute (V.I.) in Cebu City. The second World War razed to the ground the physical facilities of the V.I. at its original site. Undaunted by adversities, Don Vicente reopened classes in Argao, Cebu in 1946. A year later, the Institute moved back to its present site along Colon corner D. Jakoslem Streets, Cebu City.

As early as its founding, the V.I. had pioneered in education innovations to provide equal education opportunities especially the poor but deserving students. It was the first school to conduct night school classes for working students in Cebu City in the 1940s. The “Study Now, Pay Later Plan” had been a practice at the V.I. long before it was adopted by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (now Department of Education) in the 1980s.

In 1948, the Visayan Institute was awarded university status, the first to become a university in Cebu, and was renamed the University of the Visayas (UV).

Since then, the expansion in its basic education, undergraduate and graduate offerings and in its physical facilities has been phenomenal. Don Vicente Gullas also brought education closer to the people as the school opened a total of eight satellite campuses across Cebu Province making it the private University in Cebu with the most number of external campuses.

From an initial enrollment of 37 students when it was founded, the University has evolved into an institution with an estimated enrollment of more than 20,000 students distributed throughout its campuses. Over the years, the University has also produced board exam topnotchers and distinguished alumni who have been successful in their chosen fields.

UV Accreditations

The institution's prestigious accreditations reflect our commitment to excellence, ensuring a world-class education for every learner.


Highest Number of Candidate Programs in the Philippines

Highest Number of Accredited Programs in Region VII

First Liberal Arts Program granted Level IV Accreditation status in Region VII

First Nursing Program granted Level IV Accreditation status in Region VII

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Elementary Education
  • Bachelor of Secodary Education
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology

  • Bachelor of Science in Biology major in Medical Biology
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminology
  • Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management

  • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
  • Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

  • Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation

  • Master of Arts in Education (MAEd)
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Master of Science in Management Engineering (MSME)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master in Public Administration (MPA)
  • Doctor in Management (DM)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD-BA)
  • Master of Arts in Nursing Management (MANM)
  • Master of Arts in Medical-Surgical Nursing (MAMSN)
  • Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH)

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration and Governance
  • PhD in Research and Development
  • PhD in English Language Teaching

  • Master of Science in Business Administration (MSBA)
  • Doctor of Health Care Management (DHCM)
  • BS Accountancy (BSA)
  • BA Communication (BACOMM)
  • BS Architecture (BSARCH)
  • BS Mechanical Engineering (BSME)


Quality Management System

Institutional Learning Outcomes

The university’s stakeholders should be able to demonstrate the following skills:

Leadership Skill

Work collaboratively and proactively in multidisciplinary and multicultural teams and take leadership roles with a deep sense of integrity, duty, and responsibility.

Entrepreneurial Skill

Exhibit entrepreneurial competence by creating business ideas and manage the functional areas (operations, marketing, finance, human resource) and other business strategies for economic and social development.

Analytical and Creative Thinking Skill

Exercise analytical and creative thinking in providing strategic solutions and informed decisions to tackle discipline-related problems.

Digital Proficiency Skill

Demonstrate literacy, fluency, and mastery of the digital landscape and of various innovative applications of technology for effective professional practice.

Data Analytics Skill

Apply data-based reasoning in professional practice by accurately and proficiently translating data into abstract concepts using computing technology tools to optimize industry operations.

Communication Skill

Communicate clearly and effectively using written, oral, or non-verbal communication through mastery of five-macro skills (listening, reading, writing, speaking, viewing).

Proactive Attitude Skill

Adapt positive, reflective, and respectful professional behavior by recognizing different value systems, undertaking controllable actions, and formulating innovative solutions to future challenges.

Artificial Intelligence Skill

Demonstrate various innovative applications of AI methods and tooks for effective professional practice and management of AI augmented workplace.